NOTE: Valve now provides CS2 demos in a way that Leetify can automatically process them, so this article is no longer relevant. Just go play some CS2 matches and they will get picked up on your Leetify account.
Steps to upload a demo
For the Limited Test, you need to manually upload your CS2 demos to Leetify. We plan to automatically process these demos when CS2 releases in full, this is just a temporary workaround for Limited Test users.
Step 1: Download the CS2 demo
Sign in to Steam at this link to see your CS2 match history. This is an official Steam page where Valve provides demos to your recent CS games.
Make sure you are on the Scrimmage Matches tab, and that you've played a CS2 match in the past 30 days. Value doesn't provide any demos that are older than a month, so you won't be able to access your earliest matches.
In the bottom left-hand side of the match description, there is a "Download GOTV Replay" button. Clicking this will download your demo for that match.
If you have pop-ups blocked on your browser, you may need to right click and copy the link, then paste it in a new tab to start the download.

The demo file you downloaded should look something like:003626422649803225154_0586715412.dem.bz2
On rare occasions, matches come through unreliably under the "Scrimmage" tab. Unfortunately patience is the only potential cure, and sometimes they never show up at all.
You will upload this file to Leetify in the next step.
Step 2: Upload the demo archive to Leetify
Once you have your demo downloaded, head over to Leetify's Data Sources page. The third section of this page is "Manually upload a demo."

Use the file browser to select the demo archive that you just downloaded from Steam (should look something like 003626422649803225154_0586715412.dem.bz2

This page will show you the status of your upload. Once it says "Done" in the status column, you can click the "Show Details" button to be taken to the match page.

Your manual upload will also be accessible from your full Matches list, where you see all of your automatic imports from CS:GO.

If you want to return to this upload page in the future without needing a direct link, you can find it in "Data Sources" on the profile dropdown in the top-right corner of Leetify.

What are Leetify's Plans for CS2?
As mentioned in the intro, this manual upload process is a temporary workaround for the Limited Test portion of the CS2 release. Unfortunately the limited test of CS2 is missing some of the integration tools we're using to automatically fetch your matches in CS:GO, so right now we have to rely on workarounds like this. When CS2 fully releases, we intend to support automatic match processing the same way that Leetify currently works in CS:GO. In fact, we are hard at work to port all of Leetify's CS:GO functionality over to CS2.
Leetify has grown a lot in the past four years. We now strive to provide stability and responsiveness while handling millions of matches. However, swapping to CS2 has been a return to the hacky environment that got Leetify off of the ground back in 2019. Therefore, the initial version of Leetify for CS2 will be missing some features that you are used to. We will be adding these in on an ongoing basis over the next couple months.
A big reason we keep growing is our supportive userbase who is great at pointing out issues and sticking with us while we fix them. CS2 will present lots of new opportunities for us, but you’ll certainly spot some rough edges as well in the coming months. Keep pointing these out to us on Discord or via email, and we will be eager to fix them!