We've officially pushed an update to Leetify Rating. With a year's worth of data in CS2, we've now upgraded how the rating system works:
- Leetify Rating has been recalibrated with data from CS2 professional matches
- T side Lurkers & AWPers aren't rewarded as heavily compared to before
- Simplified economy model to more accurately portray players' buying habits in recent time
- Different roles are rewarded more evenly, which has led to more condensed benchmarks. +2.09 is now a Good Rating, and above +5.12 is Great (compared to +3.31 for Good and +8.10 for Great before)
- All matches from 2024-11-25 onward will use the new update, previous matches before 2024-11-25 will remain under the old rating system
We've made huge improvements to our overall explanation of Leetify Rating, so we recommend you take a look at this article to understand how it all works (including lots of new visual explainers!)
How will my stats change?
This will depend on the type of role you play.
To illustrate the possible shift, we've taken every "big event" pro match in the first 9 months of 2024 and used NER0cs's position database to show how the roles are affected.
On CT side, Anchors and Rotators will see a slight boost in rating. Meanwhile on T side, AWPers, Lurkers, and Half-Lurkers will be punished more. Spacetakers remain relatively unaffected.
A critique of Leetify Rating has been that passive players (or more harshly called baiters) are rewarded too much in comparison to aggressive players. This new update aims to improve in this aspect.
However, it's also important to note where these roles normally stand. Here is what the average Leetify Rating performance is for each role at the pro level:
AWPers are normally rated the highest, while Spacetakers are rated the lowest.
To get an idea of how much your rating might change, we've highlighted a number of pro players to show the difference in rating before and after the update:
From the above charts, the absolute differences may not seem too significant. But the relative ranking between players has changed. So we ranked all the players both pre-update and post-update to see who's benefited the most.
To do this, we only included players who've played a minimum of 28 maps and have a specific role on NER0cs’s position database. Here’s what the differences look like for both CT side and T side.
On the T side, a number of Spacetakers receive a bump in rankings. AWPers on both sides generally tend to stay the same. On CT side, your rating could go up or down regardless of whether you're an Anchor or Rotator.
What's changed exactly?
We've updated our win probability model to reflect CS2's gameplay more accurately. Before this update, the rating system was calibrated with data from pro matches in CS:GO. It's now calibrated with data from CS2 pro matches.
We've removed kill-chains and have gone back to processing kill-by-kill. However, we now track which side the previous kill goes to. Meaning the odds of winning for a team for any XvX situation differs based on which side died last.
We've also simplified how we calculate the economy for both teams, which changes how we calculate the chances of winning for both teams at the start of the round.
In the past, we used to compare both teams' buys based on their utility and their weapons separately. This approach has unfortunately become a little bit outdated.
Many players have begun prioritizing a more "complete" buy, opting to choose a weaker weapon to get utility when necessary. As a result, we simply consider the total equipment value each player brings to a team's buy and place them into 1 of 4 economic groups.
Then based on the economic groups of both teams, we determine the chances of winning for both teams.
How does Leetify Rating compare with HLTV Rating?
To compare the two ratings, we decided to rank all of the players in both the newly updated Leetify Rating and HLTV Rating 2.1.
We narrowed the pool of players only to those who've played a minimum of 28 maps and have a specific role on NER0cs's position database. Here’s what the differences look like for both CT side and T side.
In general, CT side AWPers and Anchors generally tend to rank better in Leetify Rating, while Rotators tend to rank better in HLTV Rating. On T side, Spacetakers tend to rank better in HLTV Rating than Leetify Rating.
Despite these trends, it's important to note that playing under a specific role doesn't restrict you from ranking better in a particular rating system. When we look at Spacetakers, dupreeh & chopper rank better in Leetify Rating, while iM & YEKINDAR rank better in HLTV Rating.
EDIT 2024-11-26: We made a slight mistake with the Leetify Rating vs HLTV ranking charts on release. We apologize for this. They have been corrected now. If you are interested in viewing the complete dataset with rankings, you can see them here.
Have feedback?
We'll continue to monitor how Leetify Rating performs in all your matches. If you feel that something is off with your rating for a particular match, please let us know in our Discord server!