This dataset includes every player who has played at least one FACEIT match in February 2024.

Level 4 has the highest % of players. This isn't too surprising considering Level 4 is the starting rank for fresh accounts.

Level 10 has a higher % of players in than in Level 6, 7, 8, or 9. Seems that most players who take FACEIT seriously will eventually make it to Level 10.

Below is the complete dataset taken from 898k FACEIT matches in February 2024:

FACEIT Rank % of Players # of Players Sampled
Level 1 2.3% 15,207
Level 2 7.1% 47,961
Level 3 11.7% 78,806
Level 4 21.8% 146,381
Level 5 14.1% 94,951
Level 6 9.8% 66,024
Level 7 8.6% 58,008
Level 8 7.6% 51,007
Level 9 6.4% 42,903
Level 10 10.5% 70,809

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