Public Data Library BETA Guidelines

We've compiled a set of interactive charts with the goal of helping you satisfy any curiosities in the world of Counter-Strike. This is everything you need to know to both use and understand how the Public Data Library BETA works.

Table of Contents

The table of contents allows you to click into any topic you are interested in. By clicking on one of the links, the page will jump straight to that graphic.



On every chart, there are filters you can use to narrow down the dataset.



Putting your cursor over a data point will give you additional details. In this example, you can see the exact number of kills in the sample.


How are filters calculated?

Average Rating

The average rating of a match is calculated from players' visible ranks. This means that if there were only 6 players who have visible ranks in a game, only those 6 players count to calculate the average rating of the game.

The average rating dropdown is bucketed into multiple ranges:

        • Unranked
        • 1k-5k
        • 5k-10k
        • 10k-15k
        • 15k-20k
        • 20k-25k
        • > 25k

There is one exception: the rating for the Kills Distribution Chart is simply the rating of the killer, not the average rating of the game they are playing in.


The region based solely on server location. We don't account for players who connect from a different region than where the server is located.

For the two Rank Distribution charts (Premier & Competitive): if a single player plays in two regions, they will be included in both regions. To clarify:

  • If a 10k rated player primarily plays in NA, then plays in an EU server just once, they are included in 10k for both NA and EU.
  • If an NA player exclusively plays on EU servers, they would be considered an EU player, and would fall under the EU dataset.

Date Range

We populate the data by tracking all of the games played within the specified months or weeks. This means that if a player hasn't played a match in March, they won't be included in the March dataset.

Map Name

The Map Name filter allows you to filter games by a specific map.

Using a combination of these filters can allow you to grab very specific insights. You can get the number of CT pistol rounds won on Mirage in a 5k-10k rated game in SA during March.

Want more?

The Public Data Library is still in BETA. There's still lots of work to be done, so that's where you come in. Do you have any ideas of what could be improved? Or have ideas of what should be tracked? Feel free to let us know on Twitter or on our Discord!

Chart Specific Guidelines

Below are details more specific to the charts in the Public Data Library. We recommend using CTRL+F to find what you're looking for!


Premier Rating Distribution

Region - Based on server location. If someone plays on a server located in EU, they will count as an EU player regardless of where they're actually connecting from.

Which rank do you grab? - We grab everyone's most recent rating for the distribution. If someone's CS Rating peaked at 15,783 in the middle of March, but drops to 13,234 by the end of March, they would be placed at 13k in this chart.

For someone that plays in two regions, they will be represented in both. They will maintain the same rating in both regions.


Competitive Rank Distribution

Region - Based on server location. If someone plays on a server located in EU, they will count as an EU player regardless of where they're actually connecting from.

Map Name - Allows you to see the rank distribution on specific maps.

Which rank do you grab? - We grab everyone's most recent rank for the distribution. If someone peaked at LEM in the middle of March, but drops to MG2 by the end of March, they would be placed at MG2 in this chart.

For someone that plays in two regions, they will be represented in both. They will maintain the same rank in both regions.


What are the most played maps in Premier?

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, this will count as an EU match. The location of where players connect from does not influence this.

Average rating - We determine the average rating of games by taking everyone's visible rank in that game. Players who don't have a visible rank aren't included.


Kill Distribution by Weapon

Rating - The rating of the player who gets the kill. We disregard the victim's rating or the average rating of the game. For example, if a 23k player kills a 5k player with an AK-47, this counts as an AK-47 kill in 20k-25k (killer's 23k rating falls between 20-25k)

Weapon Tier - This is based on how weapons are categorized in the buy menu in CS2. See below for the exact categorizations:

Pistols - Glock, USP, Deagle, etc.

Rifles - AK-47, M4A1-S, AWP, etc

Grenades - HE Grenade, Fire, Molotov, etc

"Fire" means a death as a result of getting damaged by the fire deployed by a Molotov or Incendiary Grenade.

Molotov or Incendiary Grenade means getting hit by the bottle itself, and dying as a result. This is also the case for Smoke Grenade, Flashbang, Decoy.

For HE Grenade: there is no distinction between dying to the explosion vs getting physically hit by the grenade itself.

Knife - We track the type of knife used for each kill.

Zeus - Zeus is the only item in this category.


What maps are CT/T sided in Premier?

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, this will count as an EU match. The location of where players connect from does not influence this.

Average rating - We determine the average rating of games by taking everyone's visible rank in that game. Players who don't have a visible rank are not included in the calculation.


Side Winrate Economy Tool

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, this will count as an EU match. The location of where players connect from does not influence this.

Average rating - We determine the average rating of games by taking everyone's visible rank in that game. Players who don't have a visible rank are not included in the calculation.

Average CT/T Equip. Value per Player - The average value of the weapon and utility each player is carrying in a round. We calculate this by taking the value of the entire team's weapons and utility and divide it by 5.


Performance Metric Tool

The Performance Metric Tool chart allows you to select any two metrics to spot possible correlations across ranks.

How are each of the metrics calculated? - This page describes how each stat is calculated. Take a look if you want to know more about exactly what's going on behind the scenes.

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, everyone in the match will be considered EU. This means if players from NA or SA play on an EU server, they will be considered EU players.

Rating - The grouped rating of players. 1k = 1,000 to 1,999, 2k = 2000 to 2,999, etc. We grab their rating from their most recent match. If they play in multiple regions, they'll be represented in all of these regions by this same rating.

X Axis & Y Axis - You can select any metric you want for the X axis and Y axis. This allows you to easily spot any correlations between the two metrics.


How many kills does the top fragger normally get?

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, this will count as an EU match. The location of where players connect from does not influence this.

Average rating - We determine the average rating of games by taking everyone's visible rank in that game. Players who don't have a visible rank are not included.

Top Fragger - For each game, we take the person who had the most kills and count how many times it happens.

How can the top fragger only have 5 kills? - Although it is technically possible to achieve this in an actual game, many of these are surrendered games, where the game ends before 13 rounds.


How many rounds are usually played in a Premier game?

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, this will count as an EU match. The location of where players connect from does not influence this.

Average rating - We determine the average rating of games by taking everyone's visible rank. Players who don't have a visible rank are not included.

Rounds played - For each game, we grab how many rounds have been played and count how many times it happens.

How are there games with less than 13 rounds? - These are surrendered games.

How are there games that end at 25, 26, 27 rounds? - These are games that go into Overtime, but one team surrenders.


Who wins Pistol Rounds more?

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, this will count as an EU match. The location of where players connect from does not influence this.

Average rating - We determine the average rating of games by taking everyone's visible rank in that game. Players who don't have a visible rank are not included.

Pistol round - Defined as Round 1 and Round 13 of a game


Who wins Full-buy Rounds more?

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, this will count as an EU match. The location of where players connect from does not influence this.

Average rating - We determine the average rating of games by taking everyone's visible rank in that game. Players who don't have a visible rank are not included.

Full-buy round - Both teams have over 20k in equipment value. This is an average of 4k for each player. What does 4k look like?

T side: AK-47 + Head Kevlar + 1x smoke grenade 2700+1000+300=4000

CT side: M4A1-S + Kevlar + 2x flashbangs 2900+650+2*200=3950


How long does a Premier match normally last?

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, this will count as an EU match. The location of where players connect from does not influence this.

Average rating - We determine the average rating of games by taking everyone's visible rank in that game. Players who don't have a visible rank are not included.

Match duration - For each game, we grab how long each match lasts and count how many times it happens within the time ranges.

How does a game end in 0-10 minutes? - These are games where the minimum 13 rounds aren't completed. This could be due to one team surrendering or disconnecting.


What are players' Time To Damage in Premier?

How is this calculated? - For a single player, we grab the TTD for each match they played and calculate the average among all the matches. This average is weighted by the number of rounds in each match. We exclude any matches they played if they were unranked.

As an example, if someone gets 500ms TTD in a 30 round match and 800ms TTD in a 13 round match, the calculation would be (500 * 30 + 800 * 13) / (30+13) = 590ms.

Once we have the average TTDs for all the players, we simply bucket each player into their respective ranges (500-600ms, 600-700ms, etc).

Region - Based on server location. If a match is played on an EU server, everyone in the match will be considered EU. This means if players from NA or SA connect to an EU server, they will be considered EU players.

Rating - The rating of the player themselves. We take the most recent rating the player has at the end of the month.