Performance Metric Tool Guidelines

The Performance Metric Tool allows you to see how each rank compares through two selected metrics. Keep reading to learn more about how these data points are calculated.

What does each Data Point mean?

Each of these data points represent the performance of players in their most recent rank within the specified timeframe.

  • 8k = all players who played their last ranked game with 8,000-8,999 rating
  • 9k = all players who played their last ranked game with 9,000-9,999 rating
  • 10k = all players who played their last ranked game with 10,000-10,999 rating
  • etc

How is each Data Point calculated?

We go through all the matches in our database and track every player's performance for a specific timeframe.

For a single player, we calculate their average stats from every match they played. We exclude any matches they played where they were unranked. We then place them in a rating bucket based on what their most recent rating was. This means if someone played two matches, the first at 15k and the second at 13k, they would be at 13k.

Once all the players are separated into their rating buckets, we determine the rating bucket's performance by taking the average across all the players in it. As an example:

What is the "average ADR" between these players?

  • Player A has 55 ADR in 12 games with 150 rounds total
  • Player B has 100 ADR in 1 games with 20 rounds total
  • Player C has 85 ADR in 3 games with 40 rounds total

(55 ADR+100 ADR+85 ADR) / (3 players) = 80 ADR

You'll notice that we don't weigh players more/less heavily based on how much they've played. If we did, the following calculation would look like this:

(55 ADR*150 rounds + 100 ADR*20 rounds + 85 ADR*40 rounds) / (150 rounds+20 rounds+40 rounds) = 65 ADR

This 65 ADR wouldn't reasonably represent the 3 players, which is why we currently don't factor in the number of rounds/games played.

However, the main downside is if someone plays only 1 match and performs exceptionally well, they'll have the same impact on the dataset as someone who plays 10 matches at a typical performance. With a very large dataset of players, we expect the impact of these "1 match outliers" will be minimal.

How is each metric calculated?

Below is how every stat is currently calculated for a single player in the Performance Metric Tool. We highly recommend using CTRL+F to find what you're looking for.

ADR (Average Damage per Round)

"How much damage did you do to enemies each round?"

(ADR in Each Game * Num Rounds in Each Game) / (Num Rounds Every Game)

(Game1's ADR * Game1 Num Rounds + Game2's ADR * Game2 Num Rounds + ...) / (Game1 Num Rounds + Game2 Num Rounds+ ...)


Time To Damage (ms)

"How quickly did you damage the enemy once you spotted them?"

(TTD in Each Game * Num Rounds in Each Game) / (Num Rounds Every Game)

(Game1's TTD * Game1 Num Rounds + Game2's TTD * Game2 Num Rounds + ...) / (Game1 Num Rounds + Game2 Num Rounds + ...)


Crosshair Placement (deg)

"How far off was your crosshair from the moment you spotted the enemy to actually hitting them?"

(Crosshair Placement in Each Game * Num Rounds in Each Game) / (Num Rounds Every Game)

(Game1's Crosshair Placement * Game1 Num Rounds + Game2's Crosshair Placement * Game2 Num Rounds + ...) / (Game1 Num Rounds + Game2 Num Rounds + ...)


Spotted Accuracy

"What % of your bullets hit the enemy when you saw them?"

Total Shots Hit on Spotted Enemy / Total Shots on Spotted Enemy

(Game1's Shots Hit On Spotted Enemy + Game2's Shots Hit On Spotted Enemy + ...) / (Game1's Shots on Spotted Enemy + Game2's Shots on Spotted Enemy + ...)


Spray Accuracy

"What % of your recoiled bullets hit the enemy?"

(Spray Accuracy in Each Game * Num Rounds in Each Game) / (Num Rounds Every Game)

(Game1's Spray Accuracy * Game1 Num Rounds + Game2's Spray Accuracy * Game2 Num Rounds + ...) / (Game1 Num Rounds + Game2 Num Rounds + ...)


Leetify Rating (Total, CT, T)

"How well did you perform in this game?"

(Leetify Rating in Each Game * Num Rounds in Each Game) / (Num Rounds Every Game)

(Game1's Leetify Rating * Game1 Num Rounds + Game2's Leetify Rating * Game2 Num Rounds + ...) / (Game1 Num Rounds + Game2 Num Rounds + ...)


Trade Kills %

"What % of your kills were traded off a teammate?"

Trade Kills in Each Game / Total Kills in Each Game

(Game1's Trade Kills + Game2's Trade Kills + ...) / (Game1's Total Kills + Game2's Total Kills + ...)


Traded Deaths %

"What % of your deaths were traded by a teammate?"

Traded Deaths in Each Game / Total Deaths in Each Game

(Game1's Traded Deaths + Game2's Traded Deaths + ...) / (Game1's Total Deaths + Game2's Total Deaths + ...)


HEs per Game

"How many HEs do you throw in a typical game?"

Total HEs thrown in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's HEs thrown + Game2's HEs thrown + ...) / (Num of Games)


HE Damage per Game

"How much HE damage do you do in a typical game?"

Total HE Damage in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's HE Damage + Game2's HE Damage + ...) / (Num of Games)


Flashes per Game

"How many flashbangs do you throw in a typical game?"

Total Flashbangs thrown in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's Flashbangs thrown + Game2's Flashbangs thrown + ...) / (Num of Games)


Molotovs per Game

"How many molotovs do you throw in a typical game?"

Total Molotovs thrown in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's Molotovs thrown + Game2's Molotovs thrown + ...) / (Num of Games)


Smokes per Game

"How many smokes do you throw in a typical game?"

Total Smokes thrown in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's Smokes thrown + Game2's Smokes thrown + ...) / (Num of Games)


Flashes Hit Foe Per Game

"In a typical game, how many enemies do you flash?"

Total Enemies Flashed in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's Enemies Flashed + Game2's Enemies Flashed + ...) / (Num of Games)


Flashes Hit Friend Per Game

"In a typical game, how many teammates do you flash?"

Total Teammates Flashed in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's Teammates Flashed + Game2's Teammates Flashed + ...) / (Num of Games)


Flashes Leading to Kill Per Game

"In a typical game, how many flashes do you throw that lead to a kill?"

Total Flashes Leading to Kill in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's Flashes Leading to Kill Flashed + Game2's Flashes Leading to Kill + ...) / (Num of Games)


Average Flash Blind Duration

"In a typical game, how long do one of your flashes blind an enemy?"

Average Blind Duration in Each Game / Num of Games

(Game1's Average Blind Duration + Game2's Average Blind Duration + ...) / (Num of Games)

Total Flash Blind Duration per Game

"In a typical game, how long do you blind the enemies in total?"

Total Enemy Blind Time / Num of Games

(Game1's Average Blind Duration * Game1's Enemies Flashed + Game2's Average Blind Duration * Game2's Enemies Flashed + ...) / (Num of Games)