Leetify Guide: How to start improving in CSGO

This guide will help you unlock the full value of Leetify and improve faster in CSGO.

Leetify Guide: How to use Leetify to improve in CSGO

Leetify analyses the actual CSGO matches you play, and uses data from those matches to help identify your weaknesses. This tells you mistakes you need to fix, and helps you set up the most optimal practice routine for your personal situation.

Leetify is built by a team of CSGO experts, some even with background in the professional scene, and we’re constantly upgrading our product to help you improve faster. In this guide, we’ve gathered our thoughts on how to get the most out of Leetify because we recognize that it can be daunting to use for some. Here’s where and how to get started. Together, we’ll make sure you push your rank all the way to the top!

The most important principles of using Leetify

Leetify’s sole purpose is to help you improve your CSGO skills faster. But as with improving your health, fitness training or anything else, improving your CSGO skills won’t come without any effort on your part. We try to make improving as frictionless as possible however.

Use Leetify to identify your weaknesses

The core of Leetifys product is our analysis of your play, where we identify the weaknesses you need to improve upon to reach the next level.

To start with, go to the “Dashboard”, which includes a radar chart that gives you a high level overview of your weaknesses, allowing you to swiftly identify if your problem lies within e.g. your Aim or your Utility Usage. More areas will be added to this part in the future.

Next, there’s a list of your weak and strong areas. Pat yourself on the shoulder for the strong areas, but for now focus entirely on the weak areas and what you can do to improve on these.

Finally, on the Dashboard, we recommend that you check out the training recommendations. These are based on your most urgent weaknesses and aim to help you improve as efficiently as possible. We recommend incorporating these into your practice routine.

Tips: Product usage

  • The “Aim” and “Utility” pages will let you dig into more details on your performance in each part. Check these out, and don’t miss the “?” that explains what each stat is and how it’s calculated. Also don’t miss the “How to improve” and “View skill details” part for more information.
  • The “Maps” page will give you an overview of which maps aren’t working for you and which sides are the troublemakers. Use this information to cut these maps out of your map pool, or start researching how to improve these maps (using e.g. YouTube or demo review). We recommend that you start with 2-3 of your best maps that you can master, and then slowly expand your map pool from there.
  • The “Map Zone Tool” (accessible via the “Maps” page) will give you an overview of which positions you’re performing well or poorly in. For example, you can use the “CT” and “Pre-plant” filters to look for zones that you play a lot in as CT (using the percentages in the zones) but that you’re not performing as well as you could be in. Adjust by either switching to zones that you perform better in or using YouTube to find videos on how to hold this part of the map.
  • The “Map Flash Tool” (accessible via the “Maps” page) will give you an overview of the flashes you’re using, clustering the ones that use the same lineup, and their effectiveness. Use these to identify flashes that aren’t working for you, and fix them by either checking out the “Pro” flashes (using the filter at the top) or research new flash lineups on YouTube.
  • The “Matches” page will help you identify individual matches, to see if changes you’re making is having the effect you hoped for and how you performed in the match.

Tips: Playing with a stack or a team

  • The “Pro” plan has additional features that will help you improve your team, we’ll go through them below.
  • Use the “Friends” filter to select your teammates. This will show data only for games all these people (and you) are in. Then;
    • Go to the “Maps” page to figure out which maps and sides are working for your team and which aren’t, to refine your map pool and identify maps to work on / stop playing.
    • Go to the “Map Zone Tool” and switch to the “Team” filter. This will show you the performance of your team in different zones of the map, allowing you to identify trouble spots that you need to fix.
    • Go to the General tab and check out your winrate and performance with different players. This can be helpful to figure out how a trialist is fitting in to your team or if different friend groups / combination are working better for you.
  • Use our “Practice Servers” to practice grenades, dry run strats, warm up together using Micro DM / Duels servers or practice your movement in KZ.

Work on those weaknesses

Now that we’ve efficiently cut out a lot of your time spent analyzing your play or doing demo review, and figured out what’s holding you back from reaching the next level, this part is mostly on you.

Using our training recommendations and the “How to improve” sections under “Aim” / “Utility”, we suggest that you set up a practice routine and follow this for at least a couple of weeks. Doing this, you should be able to quickly start seeing improvements in your game and your Leetify statistics.

For example, a practice routine could consist of 60 min aim_botz per week, watching how to play a certain position on a map on YouTube and practicing flashbangs on Dust2.

Tips: Practicing

  • When it comes to practice, consistency is king. Make sure you build a habit so this becomes easier.
  • To enable consistency, set up a practice routine that you can actually commit to. It’s better to lower your ambition at the beginning, and then work your way up (by adding hours or exercises to your routine) as you get the habit in.
  • Practice routines need to be constantly updated. So make sure to check back to Leetify regularly to see what now needs improvement. It’s likely not the same as it was 2 weeks ago.
  • See if you can involve friends in your practice routine. Practicing together is a lot more fun and will improve your learning rate.

Track your progress and adjust

When you’ve started following your practice routine, check back in Leetify to see if you’re progressing as you’d hoped. A great way to do this is to check the data for whatever you’re trying to improve (e.g. an aim skill or a map zone) and compare it to a previous period (e.g. before you started the routine / made changes to your game) to see if you’re improving or not.

Likely, over a few weeks and months, you’ll notice that most of your weaknesses have now become strengths, and that now there are other things that require your attention. So it’s time to move down the list and work on something else! Adjust your practice routine accordingly, using your current weaknesses and training recommendations, then get back to practice.

Rinse & repeat! In a while, you’ll be kicking ass in all your matches.

Tips: Measuring your improvement

  • Sample size is key. The more matches you include in your data, the more accurate it becomes. We recommend using the time filter and setting it to “Last 30 days”, if you have that amount of data available. That’ll provide you with a large amount of data for all features in Leetify, and is a reasonable time frame to look for differences in.
  • For the “Aim” and “Utility” pages, the “Current Period” and “Previous Period” statistics make this comparison a breeze

There’s others like you, looking to improve!

Improving is more fun when doing it together. That’s why we set up our Discord community, which apart from being the best place to get updates on Leetify, is a strong community with people dedicated to improving. Here you can ask experienced players for advice, get help tailoring a practice routine or find people to play with. We hope to welcome you soon. Click here to join our Discord!