The Leetify Creator Program

Ultra TLDR:

We’re looking for passionate community members to become Leetify creators.

Essentially, if you’re interested in creating content or are already creating content for CSGO, we’d like to work with you.

If selected

  • You’ll get access to pro for as long as you’re actively contributing
  • Help creating content and strengthening it with data
  • Exposure across all of our owned channels and inside of Leetify with links back to your individual channels
  • A special role in discord
  • And more!

At Leetify, we’re committed to creating the highest quality product for players to learn and improve at CSGO.

We recognize that players learn through different mediums and we want to work with creators that are interested as well as passionate about helping others learn and improve at CSGO.

We’re looking to shore up the gaps as well as expose players to critical information they need strengthened by our data. This can be through any medium (video, articles, etc)

Leetify has tens of thousands of users that are frequently active inside the platform and a growing audience across other channels/platforms. We’re looking for passionate community members interested in creating unique content to help others improve!

If you become a Leetify creator, we’ll be crediting your work as well as helping you produce it while directing people back to your own individual content as well.

You can currently contribute by helping us create:

  1. Utility guides
  2. Weapon guides
  3. Map guides
  4. And more

For your efforts, you will have the chance to get:

  1. You’ll get access to pro for as long as you’re actively contributing
  2. Help creating content and strengthening it with data
  3. Exposure across all of our owned channels and inside of Leetify with links back to your individual channels
  4. A special role in discord
  5. And more!

Please help us make the process of learning and improving at CSGO more accessible and easier to understand. Together we can help players improve!

If you’re interested please apply!