April Infrastructure Issues Post-Mortem

Over the last year, Leetify's user base has been growing really quickly. With the announcement of CS2, this growth was accelerated even further. Leetify is now analyzing more than 5 million matches for our users every single month, which is over 5x the amount we were analyzing a year ago.

This exposed some technical limitations that weren't obvious to us before this crazy growth started. As a result, you may have seen some matches taking ages to import during late March / Early April (alongside a few other stability issues).

Our tech team has been hard at work upgrading the system and preventing problems like this from resurfacing as we continue to grow. These issues should be gone now or at least very rare - and hopefully you've noticed this too during May!

While we don't expect any major downtime or stability issues in the near future, we will be spending the next few months doing a lot of work on our infrastructure behind the scenes to ensure that we do much better when it comes to import speed and stability in the future. Everyone fails sometimes, but what's not OK is to fail to learn from our past mistakes.

We want to thank everyone who reported these issues to us and for your incredible patience and support in helping us fix these issues. Since we are just 10 people working on a product that is used by hundreds of thousands of CS players, we rely on you to help us make Leetify the best we can. If you see anything out of the ordinary, continue to reach out to us on Discord.

Finally, I want to take this moment to say how humbled I am by how many people are enjoying Leetify. It's been a lot of hard work, but every time we get a message from a user who is enthusiastic about what we do, it's all worth it.

We're just getting started.

- Anders